If he looks like 湯告魯斯, then is he a MIX? By the way, when can we meet again? I cut a short hair and my mom’s comment was very ugly!! No layers short hair! Can you imagine what’s it look like? It’s completely SHIT! I am now have a mushroom head! I bought some DHC products today and received a 30% discounts ticket. Do you want to shop with me on or before 30 April 2008 and we can use the 30% discounts coupon together. Also, I will have a VIP (20% discounts card) after two weeks. Mom said Gary’s… Read more »
緊係唔係啦 :p
佢真係有d似0架..笑容都好似 :p
If he looks like 湯告魯斯, then is he a MIX? By the way, when can we meet again? I cut a short hair and my mom’s comment was very ugly!! No layers short hair! Can you imagine what’s it look like? It’s completely SHIT! I am now have a mushroom head! I bought some DHC products today and received a 30% discounts ticket. Do you want to shop with me on or before 30 April 2008 and we can use the 30% discounts coupon together. Also, I will have a VIP (20% discounts card) after two weeks. Mom said Gary’s… Read more »
咁你剪完又收貨? 係新的hair stylist來的嗎?
仲有, 你留言時最好一次過留啦..唔好幾分鐘一個留言..我summarize0左你的留言做一篇…
真健康 🙂
You either.
I went to Gary’s salon to have haircut on last Sunday. It’s better than the previous one.
其實唔進修都冇問題, 最緊要找到自己的興趣及啫好..