* So you have a good luck in the gaming in the beginning of Year of Rooster :>
* It is quite good that your brothers also play broadgame. My relatives and most of my friends don’t play broadgame, so I do not have any broadgame at home ….
Thx. Jen.
* I sometimes go to 旺角戰棋會 but never go to 新棋奧妙. In 戰棋會 I usually see those games which I have played (Axis and Allies, Acquire … etc)
* Do you think you/giris dislike playing mil-related broadgames (Diplomacy, A & A, Risk … )?
* So you have a good luck in the gaming in the beginning of Year of Rooster :>
* It is quite good that your brothers also play broadgame. My relatives and most of my friends don’t play broadgame, so I do not have any broadgame at home ….
冇呀, 通常這些大型家族聚會都會有點悶, 我又不懂打麻雀, 那我便帶了一盒broadgame去玩了, 後來哥哥有興趣玩, 昨晚便在家裡一起玩 :p
氣氛也很不錯呢 🙂
我是習慣在麻雀檯後看, 負責補位的…
茶水我不包啊! :p
我舊年新年學過打麻雀, 但現在已不記得怎打了… :p
其實都唔知點解, 屋企每年打麻雀o既次數<10, 屋企人亦唔係好識打麻雀, 但係我好似睇下睇下就識, 學o個陣都係問番drules, 又可以打喇…
>冇呀, 通常這些大型家族聚會都會有點悶, 我又不懂打麻雀, 那我便帶了一盒broadgame去玩了, 後來哥哥有興趣玩, 昨晚便在家裡一起玩 :p
==> So the kids of your relatives play broadgame with you? (My relatives’ kids play Game Boy Advance nowadays) What kind of game you played with them?
>氣氛也很不錯呢 🙂
==> That’s good.
玩雞同鴨搶 :p
So where you buy your broadgames in HK?
新棋奧妙 – http://www.tghk.com
旺角戰棋會 – 旺角彌敦道華僑商業大廈八字樓
Thx. Jen.
* I sometimes go to 旺角戰棋會 but never go to 新棋奧妙. In 戰棋會 I usually see those games which I have played (Axis and Allies, Acquire … etc)
* Do you think you/giris dislike playing mil-related broadgames (Diplomacy, A & A, Risk … )?
我也有玩過波多黎各及san juan的, 也ok0架…..
至於你所說的, 我還未有機會玩過呢…所以不知道 :p