Category: 寫作讀感




記得多年前,我在台灣的拍賣網站拍下一整系列的台譯中文版,當年運費也不少,所以記憶很深。這些年在台灣或其它國家旅遊時,我每次到書店的指定動作都是看有沒有Anne Rice的小說。



Anne Rice

一直都很喜歡她所寫的Vampire Chronicles,多年前知道她寫完Blood Canicles後不再寫吸血鬼系列時,頓感失落。看著剩餘兩本還沒看的同系列小說,一直都不想看,就是不想有完結的一天。

在今年三月的某一天,在臉書上突然看到作者Anne Rice的訊息,新書Prince Lestat將於同年十月出版。看到這消息,心裡很興奮!




Vittorio The Vampire


我一直對這本小說沒太大期望,一來主角不是這個系列曾出現過的人物,而且和他們全沒有關係,是另一個獨立人物來;二來作者安萊斯小說的節奏向來也較慢,我大多時都是看得虎頭蛇尾﹝只有Queen of The Damned及Tale of The Body Thief看得較快﹞;第三就是之前讀過這系列的副線小說,趣味性多是比主線稍低一點,我讀後的印象都不是太深刻,例子就是Pandora ─ New Tale of The Vampire,昨天從舊小說找資料的時候,完全對關於她的某些情節忘記了。



下一本將會看的小說是Blood and Gold,這本小說很厚,是講述Marius的故事,又是時候準備努力了,希望好看吧!


Merrick 2




  1. Louis突然深愛Merrick﹝初時又不明所以,但後來才知道是因為Merrick的咒語﹞,將她變成吸血殭屍後,即晚卻自殺。他自殺是因為Claudia?還是覺得自己再一次做出同樣的事,認為自己人性已滅絕?或對David深感內疚?但既然他深愛Merrick,怎可以給與她Dark Gift後即離她而去?
  2. Louis自殺後,靠Lestat、David及Merrick的血而重獲生命,這個都沒什麼問題,因為這事在Armand身上也同樣發生過。不過,我又不太明白,為何Louis重獲生命後不打算再自殺?故事中提及的,是因為他終於尋獲一個屬於他的圈子﹝group﹞─Lestat、David及Merrick。我不太明他的心理變化,以前他也是和Lestat及David一起生活,如果是因為Merrick的加入而令他有重獲新生的感覺,那為何在她變成吸血殭屍後仍然要自殺呢?
  3. 最後講述The Talamasca一定要Lestat他們送回Merrick,否則會視他們為敵人。但最後只係David寫的一封信給The Talamasca就草草了事,沒有再交待,或許是留待在下一本小說再提及?



Interview with the Vampire
The Vampire Lestat
Queen of the Damned
The Tale of the Body Thief
Memnoch the Devil
The Vampire Armand

Vittorio the Vampire
Blood and Gold
The Blackwood Farm
Blood Canticle

最想看的是Blood and Gold,因為是說Marius的故事。最不想看的是Blood Canticle,因為是大結局,我不捨得看。


The Vampire Chronicles

After these years, I am still addicted or devoted to The Vampire Chronicles written by Anne Rice. This series is just like the human blood to Anne’s  Vampires, makes the ones irresistible. Even I have put the books down for several years, the magic is still there and holding my heart. Once reading the books again, the connection gets vivid and alive. I am quite shocked and surprised to get this feeling so strong again.

Louis, the one always winding in my mind, suffers in the labyrinthian hell. How can his beloved Claudia do such thing to him? Everytime when reading his story, I feel sad. I have this feeling for Lestat too but it is just not the same.

Feeling so glad that I have found the following introductions in Wikipedia. Feeling so glad that the world does not forget them.

Lestat de Lioncourt
Louis de Pointe du Lac

In fact, there are much more introductions and websites about them. Each new websites when I come across, I feel excited and happy.

For this series, I like The Tale of the Body Thief most though I have not yet finished the whole series. Should have 4 more books to go.

Actually, my first domain is not My first one is which is solely for The Vampire Chronicles. I know there has been no updates for a long time but I promise I will keep it alive. I am so glad that I have received an email for offering help of fixing the website after being hacked from one of the banner exchange members. I feel so warm by reading the email and this gives me strength and energy. Really thanks.

This night, the very night I want to state these feelings. Sorry for not being well-organized but simply I have been moved and touched by the Vampires again.


Claudia’s Last Entry

“September 21, 1859

It has been so many decades since Louis presented me with this little book in which I might record my private thoughts. I have not been successful, having made only a few entries, and whether these have been written for my benefit I am unsure.

Tonight, I confide with pen and paper because I know which direction my hatred will take me. And I fear for those who have aroused my wrath.

By those I mean, of course, my evil parents, my splendid fathers, those who have led me from a long forgotten mortality into this questionable state of timeless ‘bliss.’

To do away with Louis would be foolish, as he is without question the more malleable of the pair.

Louis will do as I wish, even unto the very destruction of Lestat, which I plan in every detail. Whereas Lestat would never cooperate with my designs upon Louis. So there my loyalty lies, under the guise of love even in my own heart.

What mysteries we are, human, vampire, monster, mortal, that we can love and hate simultaneously, and that emotions of all sorts might not parade for what they are not. I look at Louis and I despise him totally for the making of me, and yet I do love him. But then I love Lestat every bit as well.

Perhaps in the court of my heart, I hold Louis far more accountable for my present state than ever I could blame my impulsive and simple Lestat. The fact is, one must die for this or the pain in me will never be scaled off, and immortality is but a monstrous measurement of what I shall suffer till the world revolves to its ultimate end. One must die so that the other will become ever more dependent upon me, ever more completely my slave. I would travel the world afterwards; I would have my way; I cannot endure either one of them unless that one becomes my servant in thought, word, and deed.

Such a fate is simply unthinkable with Lestat’s ungovernable and irascible character. Such a fate seems made for my melancholy Louis, though the destroying of Lestat will open new passages for Louis into the labyrinthian Hell in which I already wander with every new thought that comes in my mind.

When I shall strike and how, I know not, only that it gives me supreme delight to watch Lestat in his unguarded gaiety, knowing that I shall humiliate him utterly in destroying him, and in so doing bring down the lofty useless conscience of my Louis, so that his soul, if not his body, is the same size at last as my own.”


Poor Louis.



“Cover her face. Mine eyes dazzle. She died young.”
— Ferdinand, after looking at the dead body of his sister the Duchess. Act 4, Sc.2

The Duchess of Malfi is a macabre, tragic play, written by the English dramatist John Webster and first performed in 1614[1] at the Globe Theatre in London. Published for the first time in 1623, the play is loosely based on true events that occurred between about 1508 and 1513, recounted in William Painter’s The Palace of Pleasure (1567). The Duchess was Giovanna d’Aragona, whose father, Arrigo d’Aragona, Marquis of Gerace, was an illegitimate son of Ferdinand I of Naples. Her husbands were Alfonso Piccolomini, Duke of Amalfi, and (as in the play) Antonio Bologna.

The play begins as a love story, with a Duchess who marries beneath her class, and ends as a nightmarish tragedy as her two brothers exact their revenge, destroying themselves in the process.

The play is sometimes ridiculed by modern critics for the excessive violence and horror in its later scenes.[2] Nevertheless, the complexity of some of its characters, particularly Bosola and the Duchess, and Webster’s poetic language, give it a continuing interest, and it is still performed in the 21st century.


“His tone had a finality to it, and a sadness that touched me to the quick. He was saying farewell to Lestat, that’s what he was doing, and I knew that Lestat’s slumber was so deep and so troubled, that even such a dreadful message from Louis might not rouse him at all.”
— David Talbot




